The 6 Best Practices of Web Design

Jun 1, 2023 | Digital Marketing, Websites

When it comes to web design, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Each designer will have their own preferences and style, and your decision of web developer should be based on who you think is the best fit for you and your business.

However, your website design has such a significant impact on your SEO, so it’s important you work with a web developer who understands these best practices. In particular, there are 6 things a web designer should do to improve your SEO.

Limit Flash And Java Script

Search engine craters have a really difficult time reading these programming languages, which is why many web developers will avoid using them wherever possible. While you can do some interesting and out-of-the-box things with these design languages, it’s a good idea to limit their use where possible. key information should never be put inside a Flash or Javascript element on the site, as search engines see it and you will miss out on the SEO benefits.

Clean, Simple Navigation

All websites should be simple and easy to navigate. Your users should never have to dig for information or search the site to find what they need. Navigation should be simple and straightforward. This is for the benefit of both human users and search engines. The more barriers and URLs crawlers have to sift through, the lower your SEO ranking will be. Menus and Navigation should be simple and clean for every design.

Prioritize Readability

People come to your website for Information, so designers need to present that in a clear way that is easy to read. That means being conscious of your design choices, not using tiny fonts, pale colours that blend together or jarring design elements. For example, if you use white text on a black background, users aren’t likely to stick around.

Use Responsive Design

We live in a world where everyone has a high-powered computer in their pocket, and everyone’s screen size is a little different. That means that designing a website to look good on one screen size and shape doesn’t cut it. Instead, designers need to be able to create a website that’s responsive. One that understands the device each user is using and serves them a version of the site that is optimised for their device. This is called responsive design, and it’s been a basic requirement of web design since 2015.

Focus On Content

While technical design is incredibly important, as is visual design, it’s also important not to forget about content and images. After all, you can have a beautiful website, but if your content isn’t up to par then you won’t rank well in search engines. A good web developer will be able to balance design with content and ensure it’s all optimised for maximum results.

Speed Is Important

Here’s a scary fact for you – a 100-millisecond delay in load time can decrease your conversion rate by 7%. So if you’re putting any effort at all into marketing your business you need to make sure your website is speedy. And because page load speed is another factor for Google rankings, it’s an extra incentive to get things moving quickly.

At Moyralla Marketing we specialise in building responsive websites that tick all of the boxes. By getting to know you and your business in-depth, we can create a website that achieves everything you want and more. For more information, just get in touch with the team today for your free consultation.

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