5 Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

Email marketing – these two words used to conjure up scary images of mail that had been sitting in your inbox for years, gathering up notifications from the companies that were wanting to (not so subtly) push you to purchase items from their websites. But, over the past decade or two, email marketing has significantly grown in popularity due to its evolution, the ability to really target different demographics and to build a strong community around a brand. Goodbye, boring pushy emails – hello beautifully crafted value-led content

While nobody starts out thinking their email marketing campaign is going to fail, the truth of the matter is that it’s not as simple as sending an email to thousands of people. Success takes work, even with such a simple idea — there are steps you must take in order to ensure you achieve your desired outcome. With this in mind, here is a list of 5 important dos and don’ts of a successful email marketing campaign.


1. Determine who will be on the receiving end of your campaign

Before getting started with email campaigns you must determine who you want to reach. You will need to build a list of contacts that include people who are genuinely interested in your product or services. With the current GDPR regulations you may be thinking ”well how do i get the emails for these contacts to begin with?” The solution to this is quite simple. Start by encouraging people to sign up to receive notifications through your website and/or social media channels. This will then enable you to successfully grow your database and increase the reach of your campaigns.

2. Decide what you want the focus of your email to be

Are you looking to provide industry insights, offer new services, showcase a special event or to simply promote your business? The importance of knowing what type of email you want to send is that it will help you use appropriate wording in the body of the email. This is, in essence, what will attract new customers and drive sales.
3. Create an eye-catching subject line
This is the first thing that a subscriber will see so this is the pivotal make or break moment for any email campaign and its success. A subject line that attracts the reader’s interest will lead him or her to open the email and continue reading whatever it is you have to say, so think about it thoroughly before you choose one and keep in mind the following tips
  • Keep it short – the best subject lines are approximately 45 characters long, so use your space wisely
  • Get Straight to the point– inform your readers what to expect from your email. Honesty is the best policy… no one likes to be mis-lead especially from a company that they are interest in
  • Personalise your subject line – Adding the readers name to the subject line will automatically draw their attention to your campaign. Personalization is one of the best ways of letting your subscribers know you are thinking of them so there is a higher chance that they’ll open your email

4. Don’t forget to add a call to action

A call to action doesn’t have to be massive or complicated, it can be as simple as clicking on a link that leads to your website or filling out a subscription form for future content on your site. No matter how amazing your email is, if you don’t add an actionable CTA, it can lead to failure, because let’s face it – one email isn’t enough to demonstrate all your business has to offer. It also helps you to track how successful your emails are as you can review analytics and get a better understanding of consumer behaviour.
5. Don’t send your email without checking for errors

Sounds simple right?! To ensure every success for your email marketing campaign, you will want to do a thorough check before you hit send – actually, maybe do a double or triple check first to make sure! It can also help to get a pair of fresh eyes to take a glance – we always have at least three pairs of eyes reviewing every campaign we manage! Sometimes when you invest a lot of time into something, you can overlook little mistakes as you are so absorbed in it, whereas someone from the outside can easily spot them.
Ensure that you triple check for Pesky typos, broken links, and any other errors, as you only get one chance to impress your readers and mistakes can look sloppy and unprofessional.

Successful email marketing campaigns depend on the humanity present in the email itself. Gone are the days of automated and robotic-sounding chunks of text. These days, the most successful campaigns target people who need to know they are seen as such, not just as leads or dollar signs. So keep things simple, keep them personal, and keep them interesting, and you will soon see the success your hard work can bring.

We pride ourselves on creating bespoke packages so we can help businesses of any size with any budget. If you would like discuss your email marketing plans, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

[email protected] | tel: +44 7789 726317